Investment in Education Means Investment in Property
One of the best reasons to invest in Hull is the presence of a vibrant, historic university and its plethora of new students that descend on the city each year, all in need of a place to stay. Although university-owned accommodation exists, there is still a huge renting market to those 16,000 students, 2,500 employees and 1,000 academic staff that work on campus every day. Soon to be entering its 90th year, we thought we’d take a look at why the University of Hull brings huge benefits to the city.
The Newland Avenue area is already a hotspot for returning students, with many looking to get away from their first year halls of residence and immerse themselves further in the city and its way of life. The leafy avenues are the perfect place for this, only a short walk or cycle to the main campus, and two miles from Hull city centre. The bustling thoroughfare offers local, essential amenities, as well as more quirky coffee shops and bars than you can shake a stick at. Needless to say, the area definitely attracts young academics and creative types, with plenty going on a stone’s throw from affordable house-shares.
The university itself is undergoing a lot of changes thanks to a £200 million investment project to improve its on-campus buildings and facilities, as it strives to become ‘a high-tech hub of education’. The £28 million health campus alone will attract even more aspiring nurses, doctors and surgeons to the city This involves the installation of cutting-edge facilities, such as a mock hospital ward with its own operating theatre and intensive care unit.
Funding will also stretch across to the sports campus, where over 2,500 students in more than 50 clubs practice, play and train each week. The £15 million invested will be greatly appreciated by the large Athletic Union, who will get a brand new 8-court sports hall, 110-station fitness suite and additional floodlit pitch, equipped with modern changing rooms. Joining a sports team is often one of the key ways that students meet new people with similar interests, and their team often becomes a major part of their experience at university.
Meanwhile, it’s also good news for drama and arts students, who will be able to experience the benefits of the £9.5 million renovation of Middleton Hall. The venue is expected to become a space for high quality performance and cinema, with advanced theatre equipment, industry-standard HD digital cinema, a modern suite for TV editing and a recording studio of world-class calibre being added to the building. The arts are a hot topic across the city, with the 2017 celebrations for UK City of Culture being just around the corner. Naturally, the University of Hull will play a huge role in the 365 days of music, art and creativity, attracting students from across the world who hope to get a chance to join in.
All of this is excellent news for those looking to invest in top quality, modern, secure and attractive property. Our professional and friendly approach to doing business has helped us to grow our portfolio and deliver customer satisfaction across the city. Get in touch on 01482 342155 or email info@hullinvestmentproperties.co.uk to invest in Hull property today.